Andrew Cieslinski
Andrew is the co-creator (along with Dave Dellecese) and artist of the all-ages graphic novel Lacey & Lily <https://darby-pop-publishing.square.site/product/lacey-lily/134?cs=true&cst=custom>, the story of a middle schooler and her dog unwittingly becoming superheroes, available exclusively from Darby Pop Publishing.
He is also the co-creator and illustrator of the comedic comic book series Holidaze<http://www.holidazecomic.com>, concerning the lives of mythical icons when they’re off the clock and at their favorite watering hole.
Andrew's artwork has graced the pages of The Mike Wieringo Tellos Tribute<https://mikewieringotellostribute.com/get-the-books/> (by noted comics veteran Todd Dezago), Ink Puddle Press' The Devil and Mr. Gandhi, and he has provided character designs for Mad Angel Films.
Andrew's artwork has also been seen on posters for the Albany All-Stars Roller Derby and the Syracuse Crunch hockey team, as well as in the Made in Utica Passport 2018 Edition.